Dynamic XML into component (xmlObject)


Does anyone recognize this problem?

I am trying to pull this xml into a Flash component by way of php but it is not working.

It works when I define just an xml like this:

but not as below: (it does show the grid-lines ([COLOR=Red]grid_lines=“5”[/COLOR]) as defined in the xml though)


var resultString = "http://www.[/COLOR]****[COLOR=Red]sitename[/COLOR]****[COLOR=Red].com/includes/xmlgen.php?cid=47047"

var xmlObject:XML = new XML()

xmlObject.onLoad = function(success) {


[/COLOR][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Here is the xml:[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Red]
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>

<chart min=“0” padding=“5” grid_lines=“5” type=“bar”>

  &lt;bar title="Old Navy" color="0xD90000" value="300000" /&gt;

  &lt;bar title="The Gap" color="0xD90000" value="610000" /&gt;

  &lt;bar title="Hollister" color="0xD90000" value="755000" /&gt;

  &lt;bar title="Amer._Eagle" color="0xD90000" value="900002" /&gt;

  &lt;bar title="Fourteen_Chars" color="0xD90000" value="255000" /&gt;

Thank you in advance!