I have a text field that i have set to load several lines of text from an XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uft-8"?>
<text1>text for image one <br> line 1 <br> line 2 <br> line 3</text1>
it loads into flash fine but when i try make it a global variable it only takes the “text for image one” because it thinks the
's are tags. flash the turns the above code into:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uft-8"?><imageText><text><text1>text for image one <br> line 1 <br> line 2 <br> line 3</br></br></br></text1></text></imageText>
i need this tag to be in there to show that its a new line. is there another way to do this?
Stupid Saint