Dynamic XML URL linking

hey all,

h’m having a few problems with getting URLs form an XML file to attach to the images that are fed into flash through XML. one part if the problem is taht i can’t seem to convert the images into a button, the next would be linking the URLs that each one has those buttons.
XML code:

<?xml version=“1.0” ?>
<link image = “3dbuzz.jpg” URL = “www.3dbuzz.com”/>
<link image = “hotlinks.jpg” URL = “www.hotlinks.com”/>
<link image = “kirupa.jpg” URL = “www.kirupa.com”/>
<link image = “tutorialized.jpg” URL = “www.tutorialized.com”/>
<link image = “gotoandlearn.jpg” URL = “www.gotoandlearn.com”/>
<link image = “dreamhost.jpg” URL = “www.dreamhost.com”/>
<link image = “flashkit.jpg” URL = “www.flashkit.com”/>
<link image = “raph.jpg” URL = “www.raph.com”/>
<link image = “cgtalk.jpg” URL = “www.cgtalk.com”/>
<link image = “3dtotal.jpg” URL = “www.3dtotal.com”/>

A.S. 2.0 code:

xmlLinks = new XML();
xmlLinks.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlLinks.onLoad = function(success) {
link = this.firstChild;
linklength = link.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; i<linklength; i++) {
linkImage = this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.image;
linkURL = this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.URL;
newPiece = sliderholder_mc.attachMovie(“template”, “piece”+i, i);
newPiece._y = i*25;