Dynamically add dropshadow to mc

I’m trying to add a dropshadow filter to a movieclip, without success. I have a thumbnail which, when clicked, simply loads a larger version of the image in the centre of the movie, which the user can then click to remove it. All this works fine, except I can’t get the shadow to work! Here is the code on my thumbnail:

on (release) {
_root.container.createEmptyMovieClip("imgHolder", 1);
loadMovie("images/ca_3.png", _root.container.imgHolder);
_root.container._x = 80;
_root.container._y = 60;
_root.container.width = 640;
_root.container.height = 480;

var myGlow = new GlowFilter (0x000066, 0.7, 9, 9, 3, 3, true, false);
var myDrop = new DropShadowFilter(12, 45, 0x000000, .6, 8, 8, 1, 2, false, false, false);

// Applies the filters to the object 
_root.container.filters = [myGlow, myDrop];

_root.container.onPress = function() {

I have import flash.filters.*; in frame 1 of my main root timeline. The above code is placed in an externally loaded swf. Any ideas?

I wanted to add a drop shadow that was dynamically generated and moved according to a lightsource in my game. The way I did it was to make a black to transparent gradient in the shape of the object and dynamically moved it around.

If you want to use the actual filter, I’m not really sure how to do that though.
