I’m trying to add a dropshadow filter to a movieclip, without success. I have a thumbnail which, when clicked, simply loads a larger version of the image in the centre of the movie, which the user can then click to remove it. All this works fine, except I can’t get the shadow to work! Here is the code on my thumbnail:
on (release) {
_root.container.createEmptyMovieClip("imgHolder", 1);
loadMovie("images/ca_3.png", _root.container.imgHolder);
_root.container._x = 80;
_root.container._y = 60;
_root.container.width = 640;
_root.container.height = 480;
var myGlow = new GlowFilter (0x000066, 0.7, 9, 9, 3, 3, true, false);
var myDrop = new DropShadowFilter(12, 45, 0x000000, .6, 8, 8, 1, 2, false, false, false);
// Applies the filters to the object
_root.container.filters = [myGlow, myDrop];
_root.container.onPress = function() {
I have import flash.filters.*; in frame 1 of my main root timeline. The above code is placed in an externally loaded swf. Any ideas?