Dynamically add nodes to a tree component

hello i hvae been working with the tree component for the past 10 hours but could not get it to work the way i want it…

heres how it goes…my project which has a tree view…has a total of around 6000 nodes,subnodes etc… and am loading it all using an asp accessing database and createing an xml…keeping in mind the huge number of nodes and subnodes…i decided to load the nodes on the click of the user…so on the first load of the swf i just load the parents…then on selection of a parent…i want to load the child nodes to each parent…the only problem here is that i dont noe how to load data into the tree on the fly and create new nodes using xml…

i have uploaded the source file here…hope u have a look at it n help me out…


Thnk U