Dynamically improting flv files

Hi Everyone,

This is my very first post on Kirupa.com and I’m wondering if some of you are able to help with a programming question. I’m kind of a newbie to flash and using flv and I’ve been asked to do a dynamic swf file which imports different flv files when you select a static html on the website. The swf will need to know which flv to play and be able to tell the differents between them. Is there anyway of doing this using php/flash/actionscript or xml???

Hope you can help


And Here
That’s all…oh! And here. :slight_smile:

hi simon i think the easiest thing you could do is create a movie clip in flash with the flv embedded in it, and export the swf. do the same with all the flvs you wanna have keep them all with different names like flv01.swf, flv02.swf etc. create your buttons on the html page your designing and give each a command to load a different swf into the space on the html page.maybe just duplicate you html for each swf embed each swf into the different html’s and command each button to load that page.