I loaded a picture dynamically but it looks very sharp and stands out too much. Is there a way that i could put a border around the picture (probably a mask) to help it to blend in more
One way is to import the picture into a new fla and create the border or anything else you like and then just load that movie instead of the jpg. If you think the picture is to sharp you could always use some alpha to make it blend in. Would that work for you?
digital, ur idea didnt work. could u xpln ne further.
I’d glady welcome any other ideas.
I guess another problem stemming from this is that i dont want be loading from too many sources. I kinda just want each movie to have as many self contained elements as possible.
all i was saying was to make a leyr over your holder. create a box aroudn it with a light overlay, and load you jpg in the layer below the one you just created. that will work, it’s liek doing it to anything else.
Digitalosophys advice is actually better because then you only need to create the border and “softning” alpha object one time instead of doing it in every swf that is loaded into your holder. But that´s the case if the jpgs that are loaded are all to sharp and need the same “softning”
Good luck!