Dynamically loaded pictures + buttons

I am having 2 problems with the following code…


picNamesA = [“pic1”,“pic2”,“pic3”,“pic4”,“pic5”,“pic6”];
picNamesB = [“pic7”,“pic8”,“pic9”,“pic10”,“pic11”,“pic12”];

picsDir = “http://www.totoffroadandperformance.com/pics/”;

function pic1() {
for(i=0; i<picNamesA.length; i++) {
mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”+i, i);
mc._y = 20;
mc._x = i90;
+".jpg", “container”+i);
for(i=0; i<picNamesA.length; i++) {
mcbutton = this.attachMovie(“hidden”, “hidden”+i, i+picNamesA.length);
mcbutton._y = 20;
mcbutton._x = i90;
mcbutton.onRelease = function() {
getURL(picsDir+picNamesA*+".jpg", _blank);

Ok First problem the pics load but the second FOR loop the buttons don’t position themselves correctly. Second problem was in the getURL() It doesnt seem to read the variable picNamesA*, I did a trace as you can see and it outputs “undefined”. Any help would be appreciated. :sketchy: