Dynamically Loaded Text Question

I have been attempting to use what I learned from the dynamically loaded text tutorial for the creation of a news panel. I’ve gotten it working; the only problem is I need the movie to check the text file for changes each time it loads, because I have been encountering a problem with the cache. The problem is that when people view the index page, and the flash is in the cache, it displays the old text, even though the text file has been updated. No one will get to see the new updates until they clear their cache! Can anyone suggest a way around this?

LIB wrote soemthign on this but the post is gone. do a search on the internet to clear your cache. it’s done in your html code, not flash, that will help you out

well, I was hoping to find a way around that…clearing a user’s entire cache is memory and time intensive, and is likely to piss people off every time they visit my site. Especially modem users.

I did manage to cook up a temporary solution, by replacing a line of code with:
loadText.load(“news.txt?RND=”+random(99999999999999), 0);
Still, its kind of a sticky work-around. Any ideas people?

ahh i see ur point about modem users. sry man i did some research and came up with not much. good luck