Dynamically loading images into slideshow


I wanted to create a slideshow in Flash MX 2004 using the instructions given in the Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash tutorial on this site but I wondered if someone could tell me if I would be making the right decision using this technique considering the following: My slideshow will be used for a menswear clothing company, so the images will need to be on the left and then on the right would be all the information relating to that image/item of clothing - no problem so far but…

I’ve already set up a slideshow the “long way” with 20 or so images as well as their related information on different frames - the images are on one layer and the descriptions are on a separate layer also. I’ve got a couple of buttons controlling the navigation back and forth between the frames and I’ve also got a preloader on frame one to load everything beforehand. The problem is that I’m worried about people on slow connections, that they’ll have to wait an unreasonable amount of time before all the images are downloaded, so I thought that using the dynamic method outlined on this website would be useful and save downloading time, but I wondered if it was possible to keep all the information relating to the images on separate frames and just have the images import dynamically? The reason for this is that the information to the right of the images is quite long with information given about style numbers, sizes, descriptions and even colour square graphics are inserted to display available colours etc, so I’m thinking that it’s probably not practical to dynamically load this information but to keep them on their separate frames as I have them at present, and also all this information is on top of a simple graphic interface on which I’d like to keep the info vertically centred. So is there a way to have the images load dynamically, and if so how would I get them to load correctly onto the right frames that match their relevant information? Can someone tell me if it’s possible to use the information in the abovementioned tutorial to do what I want? Or can you tell me if I’m choosing the right method - I mean considering all the information including colour squares that will appear to the right of the images, do you think it’s impractical to choose the Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash method? Also I’m not even sure if loading the images dynamically will improve things - I mean the images still have to be downloaded right - will loading them dynamically just mean that they’ll load one at a time as the user navigates through the slideshow and if so won’t this cause delays for the user in that they’ll have to wait for each image to download before they can proceed forward to the next item?

I’m sorry about all these questions but I’d really like to get these issues cleared up and decide on the best way to go.

Would really appreciate any help offered here.