I want to be able to load images dynamically. Like I call them 01.jpg, 02.jpg and so on…
Now, if I only have say 5 images, when it gets to the fifth and you click next it takes you back to the first one again BUT if I add more images [06.jpg, 07.jpg…] it finds them without me having to update the script.
I know this must be a pretty easy one, but I’m all alone in the office and I can’t figure it out.
Would it be possible to customize this code to do what I want or is it a job for PHP??
Thanx man. I will test it tonight as I am drowning in work right now.
It looks like you still have to add the 01.jpg, 02.jpg… to the script though. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to update the code at all.
I want to be able to just upload images to the folder. When it gets to the last image, it loads the first one again. If I add more images I want it to know automatically. I realize that I can’t call the .JPG anything, that’s why I used the 01.jpg, 02.jpg and not things like dog.jpg, sun.jpg
Thanx again for taking the time to answer, and I will give it a try.
Well as far as I know there is no way for Flash to detect all the images in a given directory, you will have to add the extra images to the script no matter what.