Sorry about the bad title ^.^ Not really sure what to call it…
What I am doing… I am going to have a button that when you click on it it creates a movieclip and adds a certain child to it (In this case, its linkage is set as “Rifle”). Each time you click on the button I need to give the new movieclip a different instance name then the last, such as “Riflemen1”, “RifleMen2” etc… I will need to be able to refer to each movieclip seperatly in my code, such as for example:
You spawn three Riflemen… You click on one of them, which selects it, you then click on an “Attack” button which makes only him start firing (in my case gotoAndStop(2)), you then decide you want the third one to attack and so forth…
Not sure if this is easy enough to understand but I hope you can help, Thanks heaps