i want to create a e mail form for my html site. i am planning on having it so people can contate me with out going to a e mail server.
i want to create a e mail form for my html site. i am planning on having it so people can contate me with out going to a e mail server.
two things:
This question should go in the Server-Side Scripting forum.
Do a search of the forums and you will find your answer. This question has been asked many many many times.
ps: I am still interested in making you a sample site, but I have a bunch of things that I have to do first. So it might take a little while. I have to create a new version for Requiem skateboards, and I have to write three tutorials. I’ll let you know when I have something for you. ok?
i really dont want to send them to outlook express. i want to try to make my site look better and add the e mail form.
i’m using Microsoft Front Page.
ok jubba:geek:
i should of put it there. can some one move it
OMG jubba…why dont you offer to make ME a website…thats 2 peopl you have asked and i’m not any of the 2…dissapointed in you i am yes :-\ take this :trout: ;(
No mak, it was just him that I offered a site. He is the only one. And I’m not really going to make an entire site. I’m going to give him a shell which he can modify and add things too.
Would you like a shell? or a smack in the face? :trout:
lies, i want a shell too, a smack is too blunt…mmmmmmmm…blunt…time to smoke it up
Eilsoe, if you magically see this thread, i need a smilie thats smoking a joint!! A BIG joint!
LOL you Canadians can smoke that junk leagaly right?
I dont think it is totally legal, but I know that it is decriminalized… and the fines are very minmal and most athorities dont even care that much… Ive never lived there, but thats the situation the last time I read somehting on it.
Im sure you asked a native smoker they;d say it was just as good as legal.
I dont think that bill has passed just yet to decriminilize it… but its coming (if it’s not already here) and it’s pretty cool.
now you just get a fine if you have less than something like 15 grams on your person.
15 GRAMS! that’s enough for one night I think hahahahaha
lol, its going to be legal SOON!! we even have a majiuanna party who is trying to make it all legal, like buying beer or cigarettes! its just so easy to get, its a waste of time for them to try and police it, thats my thoughts on this anyways
oh ok… yeah 15 grams or less and its just a fine… well for the personal use smoker thats pretty close to legal! Wish it was like that here.
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