E4X XML targeting

Stay on target…

I have two issues that I can’t wrap my brain around with E4X. First, I’m using Faust to transform my xhtml code into an xml variable that flash can read via swfobject. More info here: http://blog.space150.com/2007/1/11/faust-flash-augmenting-standards

I can read the XML no problem and even turn specific nodes into an XMLList, specifically the one below.

<div id="Menutitle">
     <p class="MenuImage">
          <img src="images/image1.png" />
     <p class="title">TITLE</p>
     <p class="subtitle">SUBTITLE</p>
     <p class="description">Description</p>

What happens though is if the “subtitle” is empty, the node appears like

<p class="subtitle" />

1 - How can I target the above node if there is no content between that tag? Or any empty node?

2 - How can I target just the attribute “subtitle” in that xmllist, therefore seeing if it exists or not?

thanks for any help! :puzzled: