Easing problem

Hello good people!

I’ve got a problem with a bouncy easing script. I have a logo that when clicked will be stretched out, and when released it will fly together (kind of like a rubber band). However, when it is released its height doesn’t go back to its original size.
Maybe the code will make it a bit clearer;

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;

logo_mc.onPress = function() {
	new Tween(logo_mc, "_width", easeInOut, 183, 800, .5, true);
	new Tween(logo_mc, "_height", Strong.easeOut, 73, 40, 1.1, true);
logo_mc.onRelease = logo_mc.onDragOut=function () {
	new Tween(logo_mc, "_width", Elastic.easeOut, 800, 183, 1, true);
	new Tween(logo_mc, "_height", Strong.easeOut, 40, 73, .5, true);

Any help is highly appreciated!