Easing trouble whats wrong?

hi all…
i dont understand why the easing effect doesnt work on my movieclip_mc ? I see so much fantastic effects we can do but tutorials are not really clear about easing : too much theory and not so much practical demos

I m sure something like a basis position and an end position are missing?.. if u can help it would be wonderful… thanx all

movieclip_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
Ease.bounce = function (t, b, r, m, e) { // t, b for number of bounces, r for reduction of bounce (between 0-1), m for ease method, e for ease type
if (!b) b = 1;
if (!r) r = 0;
if (!m) m = Ease.exponential;
if (!e) e = Ease.inUsing;
var es = b2 + 1; // number of eases
b = Math.floor(t
es); // which bounce
var et = tes - b; // ease t
var rt = 1-Math.pow(1-t, 2);
var rf = 1 - r
return ((b + 1)%2) ? r*rt + e(m, et)rf : rrt + e(m, 1 - et)*rf;