Easter Egg Hunt

For #5 couldn’t you just draw the text with a wacom (or type it or whatever) into frame 1, go to frame, lets say 30, make a keyframe there then select all the frames in between and make them keyframes. Then go back through these keyframes one at a time and erase a little bit more each time until you are left with nothing in frame 1. Then when you play it it will look like the writing is being written in by an invisible pen. You could put a pen in aswell by matching it up to the writing in each frame. I’ve used this method before and it works quite well. It takes a while to do but the result looks great.

Close. Not sure what to do with that though to acheive what I’m trying to do.

Yeah I guess that would work. Looks like I have to dustoff my Wacom

what exactly are you trying to do for number 3?

Excuse the quality but I jsut plugged my wacom back in and was having fun.

Ok so the pink little arrow represents the mouse cursor and the black box is my MC. This is showing what would happen if you grabbed the top right corner and pulled right. Not only would the MC move right it would spin until that corner was leading the movement.

I think the AS would be something like… excuse the fact I don’t know anything

let’s use the grabbing the top right corner and moving right example:

If new x position is greater than previous X position
than rotate MC * degrees clockwise.
same sort of listener for the Y.

(I put * because it would be some sort of math function to guage how fast they moved right and use inertia to calculate how fast it should spin)

Edit I found a link to exactly what I’m trying to acheive

ethan bro you crack me up lol

What’s so funny?