May 27, 2004, 7:22pm
Hi, this is my first message on this topic and i would like to say i’m sorry for my bad english…i do my best!!
-First check this link : and could you tell me how to put my .swf like this? No border at the top and the bottom…i want my .swf to fit the screen .I know the main page of [url=“”] is not a swf but me i want to put the same type of image in a .swf.I try and i always have a little border up and down of the .swf…
I hope your understand my question…loll
Thx people…
Rick from Montreal
I don’t think you can make a .swf file have a height of 100% without it distorting, you would have to use a combination of .swfs and html to create the effect on the url above
Well, you could just put it in a table, with the same color background as your swf, and do it that way.
May 28, 2004, 12:02am
put it in html code:
body {
margin: 0px;
hope that will help
May 28, 2004, 12:05am
actually the correct way to do it would be above the </head> tag like this:
<style type="text/css">
body {
also make sure your <body> tag is lowercase.
and, i suggest not using tables as they do not display correctly. Use <div>'s instead.
Wow…Thanks everyone for your help!
And special Thanks to MissionSix…the html code work great.
I appreciate your help people!!!
on this same thread — anyone know how they get that explosion thingy to happen – it looks great on that site