Easy question

i am having a problem with this
Next fill the selection with a very light shade of gray, I’m using HEX: #EFEFEF

i tried using the paint bucket to fill in my button but its not working .

the tut is here http://robouk.mchost.com/tuts/tutorial.php?tutorial=microbuttons2#

i also downloaded the font that they include and i am not sure how to make it work with my button.


i like memorized that tut :P. ok just have your selection and then do ALT+BACKSPACE. that will fill it. then just add text on the layer above.

ok i got by the color part. but after i d/l the font, where does it go, and how can i get it on my button. i looked in the font in photo shop and it wasnt listed.


Control Panel | Fonts

unzip it then just drag the font file into the fonts folder =)

lol thanks

i feel stupid;(

ok i finished the buttons. but id doesnt give a tut for the rollovers. can this be done with front page?