Editing a Flash Component


So I’ve finally stopped looking and searching for custom scrollbar this and that, and decided to just use a Flash Component to scroll my dynamic text box and then edit that flash component :smiley:

However, now my question is: I’ve deleted both the up and down arrow, so I only have the scrollbar left. It’s because…well…I only want a scrollbar, and haven’t found any tutorials on how to create this, so I thought this was the only way. However, I wanted to edit the scrollbar itself as well, make it thinner and shorter. That worked, HOWEVER, it kinda messed up the range of the scrollbar as well. It scrolls down less now (still scrolls down the whole text, but the bar itself doesn’t go down to the bottom of the textbox, if you know what I mean). That’s probably coz I messed with the size of the bar. Does anyone know how to fix that? Or know a good tutorial so I can start whole over?

Thanks in advance guys :thumb:

I have never had any luck with customizing the component. It always tweaks the bar or the buttons or whatever depending on the text that is loaded. If I desparately want to use my own graphics for the bits and pieces I always end up just creating a custom scroll bar with all the AS that goes along with it. There are lots of examples here in the forums. Claudio came up with a really nice one not too long ago that works for graphics as well as text. Do a search for scrollbar or scrollpane and Claudio and you should find it pretty quick.

However, if you DO find something that works could you post the link or code here? I’m sure there are a lot of people looking for the same answer . . .

Cheers :beer:

Thanks for the help lunatic, I should’ve known the dephts of this forum hid an answer somewhere… Although I had searched for custom scrollbars a lot on this forum, I hadn’t come upon claudio’s, which has proven to be very usefull… However, it created another problem for me, which can be found here.

But thanks for the help :thumb:

:stuck_out_tongue: That’s funny, I just posted a reply to that thread! Doesn’t really help much, so don’t get excited if you read this one first. Again it’s either Claudio or Kode that found a solution to that but I can’t remember where.

On the plus side, I seem to be getting good at diverting questions to other folk’s solutions instead of coming up with my own! :smiley: Gotta work on that.

LOL =) Thanks bud, I found the post you were talking about, and it was indeed kode and claudio. As claudio actually masks a dynamic textfield in his scroller which is available for download, he must know how to do it. I just can’t figure it out :frowning: