I want a php script that takes data from a mysql database brings it to form for edition
stores the final result as xml.i have taken input to the database in Rss xml format,and i want that to edited in a form and saved into folder as xml file
Here is the sample would be xml file
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>
<rss version=“2.0”>
<title>Three farmers die of hunger in Kacch,Rajastahan</title>
<description>Yesterday three farmers in drought plagued<br/> region of Kacch died of hunger<br/>leaving their family members behind<br/>
Government taken the matter upto to the center<br/>Demands Centarl interference</description>
<title>Imprtant artifacts unearthed in Mohejo Drao</title>
<image>image url</image>
<description>Yesterday three farmers in drought plagued<br/> region of Kacch died of hunger<br/>leaving their family members behind<br/>
Government taken the matter upto to the center<br/>Demands Centarl interference</description>