Effect in the beginning of 2advanced

In the very beginning of the 2 advanced site that logo does a flickering like masking thing. www.2advanced.com Does anyone know how to do that or have a tut/.fla for for it I never looked at it closely b4 but that is a neat effect I wanna learn how to do it. Go ahead warm up your fingers to call me a rip because I like that effect and I am going to use it somewhere sometime soon. and you can tell mr. jordan I said it. heehee:bad:

its just masking and alpha with a really high frame rate.

yeah I kinda figured but I cannot get it…oh well ill keep trying.

I have never tried but I know that its a tough effect to get down. Thats why the boys and girls there are paid so much. Trial and error :slight_smile:

I am gonna get it…if I do ill make a tut