Eilsoe, I’m trying to get my new forum set up, and I’m in the process of making all of the buttons…they look remarkebly like yours coughirippedthemoffcough actually no, I used the same font, but I modified the design a little bit…they are darker, lol… well anyway, I was wondering you wanted to make smileys for my forums. Actually, smileys, avatars, buttons, whatever…
Just if you have time and you are interested. I will give ya credit and everything if you want to do it.
H88: Not on these forums, when I do my own site I may set up forums that are Flash related. The forums that are up currently are for skateboarding, but we can really talk about whatever we want…cuz there are no people there…lol
Eilsoe: Thanks man. I’m making the buttons, so there is no need to do that, but if you would like to make the smileys and maybe a few avatars. Up to you. :):crazy: