
What’s the URL of the second footer? The .swf one with the wavy background and the light across the bars?

I tried http://www.avalon-rev.dk/kitiara/kit_footer.swf but it’s coming up with the red cross icon…

It is a Flash file, but you are putting it in an image tag…lol.

Dan has the script for it in the thread where Eilsoe posted these :slight_smile:

Here it is…

[swf="http://www.avalon-rev.dk/kitiara/kit_footer.swf height=71 width=301"][/swf]

God, I feel such a FOOL. :slight_smile:

Thanks Lost, for putting me right and thereby showing me up. I’ve only been doing HTML for what? 4 years? :slight_smile:

I’d say this was my finest footer so far :slight_smile:

I really dig it :stuck_out_tongue:

It is pretty d@mn good, you know.

Different style to most of the others you’ve done, less cartoony (not meant in a nasty way, cartoony is good). Seriously cool.

Sign yourself up for deviantART now young man. I think you qualify, especially what with the female underwear thing… :slight_smile:

LOL… yeah :smirk:

Maybe I should stretch this style to my site… it’s might be a good idea for the design :slight_smile: