June 27, 2003, 10:11am
Hey all!:trout:
I am trying to insert the elastic actionscript code of this button into [URL=http://www.in2illusions.com/elasticity_into_this.fla]this text button , but i can´t seem to get it to work.
I want the text button to move the way the ellipse button moves when you roll over the mouse.
Could somebody please help me with this?:*(
regards: Daisy
June 27, 2003, 3:06pm
Thank you Kax!:love:
You think there would be a way to make the text sharp even when it moves?Because when you roll over the text and the text starts to move it turn all blurry:(
Thank you again;)
June 27, 2003, 5:55pm
you can round the value, but the movement might look a bit choppy. :-\
replace the last two lines of code in the onClipEvent (enterFrame) handler with this code:
_x = Math.round(_x+newX);
_y = Math.round(_y+newY);
that should do…