Elastic mouse follower that doesn't whizz off

Hi there,
I’ve got a simple function that makes a movieclip drift over to wherever the mouse is…
It’s a nicer effect than just making the mc._x and mc._y = _root._xmouse and _ymouse…

The problem I’m having is that if the mouse is in the top corner of the screen when the movie clip loads, the mc zips off to that corner too. I want the mc to stay in the middle of the screen when it loads and to move in the direction of the mouse when the mouse moves…

The mc still needs to be able to be moveable accross the entire width of the screen however.

I have tried storing the _xmouse value at the time the movieclip loads, and then offsetting my function with this value - which has the desired effect, but prevents the mc from being able to be moved all the way to the edge of the screen…

Hope that makes sense - Has anyone got any solution to this?


my code is:


function elasticMove() {

var speedx = 0;
var speedy = 0;

speedx += ((_root._xmouse)-this._x)*0.3;
speedy += ((_root._ymouse)-this._y)*0.3;

speedx *= 0.6;
speedy *= 0.6;

this._x += speedx;

this._y += speedy;


my flawed solution was to offSet the _xmouse above with stored value like this:

speedx += ((_root._xmouse-xOff+Stage.width/2)-this._x)*0.3;