Electron preferably... or anyone

ok i noticed on electrons site, when you click a button, a cover comes over each page, then reveals the new page, on my sites, i can get the cover to come up, but the current page disapears, then the cover reveals the new page, i cant get it to cover, then reveal… electron could u please explain… or make a small fla i would really appreciate it! thnx

are you looking for something like this?

what is the URL for electron?


Not sure if it’s what you are looking for but you might look at this thread


what i mean is… you have a pge, that says HOME on the page, then you click the “about” button, and a black cover comes up, slowly covering the page, then when its fully covered it says loading, or whatever, then reveals the about page, like 2 advanced, or electrons site… thnx

*Originally posted by Sorcerer *
**Not sure if it’s what you are looking for but you might look at this thread

http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14056&highlight=transitions **

thats nto waht i want, i dont need external swf’s, i just need a page to cover the currnet page, like if you are on home, and click about, a cover will come up and cover home, then… reveal about… the only way i could see this possible is if i did each possible solusion, like home to about, home to contact, about to home, about to contact, to make the cover go over the page, then reveal…


*Originally posted by Cheez00 *
**thats nto waht i want, i dont need external swf’s, i just need a page to cover the currnet page, like if you are on home, and click about, a cover will come up and cover home, then… reveal about… the only way i could see this possible is if i did each possible solusion, like home to about, home to contact, about to home, about to contact, to make the cover go over the page, then reveal… **

Its not very efficient to have your entire site contained in 1 movie. It causes extra loading time because it loads content that some viewers may or may not look at. Where is if you use loadMovie to load in seperate .swf files, the only things that get loaded are the things the viewer wants to see.

Cheez00, both of those links posted above by jubba and Sorcerer basically describes everything you’ll need. If you don’t want it to load an external file, then just don’t add that part in, but just follow the steps on creating the transitions