Electrongeek HELP!

on your website, there is a spectrum at the bottom right. is that using flashtrack from flashkit?
i’ve download that flash track, but don’t know how to put in my own music.
the sample given is a swf file contain music, can i use MP3 for the player to load?
Please help.
other flasher are welcome to help as well.:slight_smile:

Yes that’s a flashtrak that was modified to work with my site. In order to get it to work, you’ll need to download the player itself which is one file and a song file. The player loads the swf containing the music. So far I have not found away to add your own music or add mp3s to it and still have the spectrum work with the music. I heard you need another program that sycronizes your songs to the spectrum player, but I have not found anything like that. If you haven’t been able to download the player then here’s the link. Hope that helps. =)


so, i have to import the mp3 into swf?
i know the flashtrack player load the data.swf file.
but how to create that kind of file? its a stream, event or…?
I your website there is 4 music files that can be loaded, so, how you create these files??
Sorry to bother again.
Thanks for replying!:slight_smile:

Check out this link, you can download more data.swf files and theres many catagories to choose from.


we cannot create our own data.swf?? or we need other software to do it.
because instead of using the data.swf provided, of course we want to choose our own type of music.
so, is that mean the music in your website is also from flashkit?

Thank you for helping me out!!

so far I haven’t been able to find the software that creates the data.swf files so now I’m just using the ones from flashkit. :-\

Really appreciate your help, Electrongeek!
may be we will find way to create the data.swf soon.=)

By the way, your graphic in your website is cool, and few picture that posted by you in this forum are very impressive as well.
you say that you create them mainly in cinema 4d.
well, do you have any side about tutorial on cinema 4d? or you have written yours tutorial?
i am ready to learn this new program.


Thanks toh, the backgrounds on my site was made with Cinema 4d then touched up in photoshop. As for my other images that you’ve seen, some were done in Illustrator as well. I’m also in the process of writing tutorials, I’ve been really busy trying to make ends meat here to pay my bills. I’ll let you know when they’re done. =)

i will look through the help files and do some experiments first while waiting for your tutorials.
may be i learn it a bit slow because don’t have too much time and i’m seldom deal with graphic editor.

still wondering how to make the spectrum??

follow this tutorial Flash Audio Spectrum Analyser