I have a movie with this movieClipLoader code in the first frame:
//Listener to the loading of the movies
var loaderListener:Object = new Object();
//When the loading starts
loaderListener.onLoadStart = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
//Prevent the loading movie from playing until it has been completely loaded
//When the loading ends
loaderListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {};
//When the loaded movie starts playing
loaderListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {
//Creates a movieClipLoader
var movieLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
//Adds listeners to the movieClipLoader
Then in different frames of the timeline, I have this code to load different movies:
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie1.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie2.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie3.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie4.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie5.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie6.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie7.swf", mcHolder_mc);
movieLoader.loadClip ("movie8.swf", mcHolder_mc);
mcHolder_mc is an empty movieClip on the stage
The movies that I load (movie1…movie8.swf) each one have another movieClipLoader to load other movies into them.
I am having a problem that I get after I load a few of the movies, I get the message thet “There is a script that is making the Flash player run slowly…”
I am guessing that there is a problem with the loading of movies in memory (I already checked for loops and didn’t find any non ending), and I was wondering if there is any way in Flash to completely eliminate the load in memory, to prevent the “There is a script that is making the Flash player run slowly…” from happening.