how can i and stop people from right-clicking and copying my images once they are on the web? <protecting images>=)
is this a flash question or a html question???
i used flash 5 to build my site and i want to stop visitors from right-clicking my images and copying them, can’t quite figure it out. please help:cyclops:
i didnt think you could, its not on the flash menu, if you right click and you get the save picture as option then thats the html part of your site
As far as your question concerns html you have to employ a script to “lock” right clicks. Once I saw a site where there were some differents kinds , including one that caused the browser instance to clash if right clicked twice.
But it does not prevent anyone to press button print screen and copy your precious images to the clipboard and then save them using adobe or any other image program ;
Even with flash your images can be captured in this way.
or to save part of your site with the browser with most of pictures (some on state button images that are mentioned on the roll over script are not saved usually ) ;
That´s not to mention that there are several programs that capture sites ; anyone can do this with Dreamweaver or Front page ;
Regarding flash files on pages right click exhibits a "more zoom,
show all , quality , print , about macromedia flash player" menu ;
I have noted that on some flash files this function is disabled.
Now I have a question : how do the these guys do that ??
I am quite curious ;
hey there,
When you embed a flash file into an html page, any images in that .swf are going to be pretty damn hard to get out. I think there are a few ways/programs to do it, but I’m not getting into that. If you’re worried about people stealing your work that’s in an .swf, load various parts of site from different .swfs. In other words, you have a “main.swf”, which loads each section like “aboutme.swf”, or “portfolio.swf” etc.
If your question was referring to images that are on an html page, but not in an .swf, here’s a script that will disable right clicking on a site. (note there are still other ways of viewing the source, but it at least helps a fair bit:
Make sure you put this code inside a script starter:
function disableRightClick(e) {
var message = “Don’t you be stealin’ my stuff!”;
// initialize { if(document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown = disableRightClick; } else document.oncontextmenu = disableRightClick; return document.rightClickDisabled = true; }
if(document.layers || (document.getElementById && !document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) { alert(message); return false; } } else { alert(message); return false; } } disableRightClick();
*Originally posted by multimediamkt *
**there´s no way to protect any picture … **
Although a more advanced user can click View sorce and find the orgin of the picture or save the page and look in the recorce folder that saves with it or Users with XP can leave their cursor over an image and click on an icon to save it a Print screen works but dosn’t give the full quility of the picture (I can keep listing).
Disabling right click stops the adverage surfer however disabling right click is annoying since the surfer cannot do things such as ‘save target as’ or open new window.