hi there, im having an issue with a little interactive character im making.
i want it so when you click him he says “quit it” which he already does, but i want it so when you click him 5 times he says "your willing-ness to touch me is somewhat concerning, my problem is; he’ll try to say both at the same.
this is the code i have on the character
on (press) {
_root.pokes = _root.pokes+1;
if (_root.pokes == 5) {
if (_root.cursor_name == 2) {
and if i put a code like this in;
on (press) {
_root.pokes = _root.pokes+1;
if (_root.pokes == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.cursor_name == 2) {
i get errors like;
Statement block must be terminated by ‘}’
Syntax error.
so, yeah, im stumped.
your help would be greatly appreciated.