Email firing from a page

hello friends i have prepared a contact us page which is made in flash… i have used an aspx page to throw an email to a particular id. but i want it to be fired from flash. here’s the code… plz help me…

var sending:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
this.fname.tabIndex = 1;
this.lname.tabIndex = 2;
this.compname.tabIndex = 3;
this.posi.tabIndex = 4;
this.address.tabIndex = 5; = 6;
this.stat.tabIndex = 7; = 8;
this.e_mail.tabIndex = 9;
this.messag.tabIndex = 10;
this.submit_btn.tabIndex = 11;
this.tour_btn.tabIndex = 12;
this.submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
_root.sending.address = _root.address.text; =; = unescape(_root.e_mail.text);
_root.sending.fname = _root.fname.text;
_root.sending.lname = _root.lname.text; = _root.compname.text;
_root.sending.position = _root.posi.text;
_root.sending.messag = _root.messag.text; =;
_root.sending.stat = _root.stat.text;
if ((_root.e_mail.text == “”) or (_root.e_mail.text == null)) {
_root.errpo.text = “Please fill in all the fields !!!”;
} else if ((_root.lname.text == “”) or (_root.lname.text == null) or (_root.fname.text == “”) or (_root.fname.text == null) or (_root.address.text == “”) or (_root.address.text == null)) {
_root.errpo.text = “Please fill in all the fields !!!”;
} else if (( == “”) or ( == null) or (_root.stat.text == “”) or (_root.stat.text == null) or ( == “”) or ( == null)) {
_root.errpo.text = “Please fill in all the fields !!!”;
} else if ((_root.messag.text == “”) or (_root.messag.text == null)) {
_root.errpo.text = “Please fill in all the fields !!!”;
} else if ((_root.compname.text == “”) or (_root.compname.text == null) or (_root.posi.text == null) or (_root.posi.text == null)) {
_root.errpo.text = “Please fill in all the fields !!!”;
}else {
var mailcheck:String = _root.e_mail.text;
var domaincheck:String = new String();
var fpart:Array = new Array();
var lpart:Array = new Array();
fpart = mailcheck.split("@");
if (fpart.length == 2) {
var atTrue:Boolean = true;
domaincheck = String(fpart[1]);
lpart = domaincheck.split(".");
if (lpart.length>=2) {
var dotTrue:Boolean = true;
if (atTrue == true and dotTrue == true) {
_root.sending.send(“c_submit.aspx”, “_self”, “POST”);
} else {
_root.errpo.text = “Please give a valid e-mail address.”;
var someListener:Object = new Object();
someListener.onSetFocus = function(oldFocus, newFocus) {
if (newFocus == { = “”;
_root.validPhone = false;
if (oldFocus == {
//if (isNaN( {
_root.errpo.text = “Please enter numbers in phone field”;
//} else { = reformatUSPhone();
function reformat() {
var s = validator();
if (s.length>=10) {
var arg;
var sPos = 0;
var resultString = “”;
for (var i = 0; i<arguments.length; i++) {

arg = arguments*;
if (i%2 != 1) {
resultString += arg;
} else {
resultString += s.substring(sPos, sPos+arg);
sPos += arg;
_root.validPhone = true;
_root.errpo.text = “”;
return resultString;
return s;
_root.errpo.text = “Please enter a valid phone number”;
function reformatUSPhone() {
//Reformats as (123)456-789.
return (this.reformat("(", 3, “) “, 3, “-”, 4));
function validator() {
var phno:String = new String();
phno =;
var my_arr:Array = new Array();
var ph_arr:Array = new Array();
my_arr = phno.split(””);
var count:Number = new Number();
count = 0;
for (i=0; i<my_arr.length; i++) {
if (isNaN(my_arr*) == false) {
ph_arr[count] = my_arr*;
phno = “”;
for (j=0; j<ph_arr.length; j++) {
phno += String(ph_arr[j]);
return (phno);