ok, so i have a script that i am using as an email/php form on my site. It all works out fine when tested locally, but for some reason, i cant get it to work on the server. and yes, the server does run php mail stuff. unless there is some php server thing to use loadandSend. here’s the actionscript.
this.closer.onRelease = function() {
var contact_php_file = "flashEmailer.php";
send_btn.onRelease = function() {
send_btn.enabled = false;
function checkForm() {
n = form.name_txt.text;
e = form.email_txt.text;
m = form.msg_txt.text;
if (m != "" && e != "" && n != "") {
sendEmail(n, e, m);
} else {
_level0.myMCL.loadClip("1.swf", 6);
trace("All Required Fields Not Filled In!");
function sendEmail(n, e, m) {
//session = "?nocache=" + random(999999);
contact_lv = new LoadVars();
contact_lv.name = n;
contact_lv.email = e;
contact_lv.message = m;
contact_lv.key = "email";
trace(n+" - "+e+" - "+m);
contact_lv.sendAndLoad("flashEmailer.php", contact_lv, "POST");
contact_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (!success) {
return trace("Error calling PHP File!");
_level0.myMCL.loadClip("3.swf", 6);
} else {
_level0.myMCL.loadClip("4.swf", 6);
return trace("Email Sent!");
and here is the php…
$recipients = "myemail@gmail.com" . ",";
$subject = "The Message";
// Grab the key from Flash to ensure security
$sendKey = $_POST['key'];
// Only allow the page to send if Flash is the requester
if($sendKey == "email") {
// The following three variables are gathered from Flash
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
// Grab todays date
$date = date("F j, Y", time());
// This block is the actual message that is sent in the email
$email_info .= "Below is the visitors contact info and message.
$email_info .= "Visitor's Info:
$email_info .= "-----------------------------------------
$email_info .= "Name: " . $name . "
$email_info .= "Email: " . $email . "
$email_info .= "Date Sent: " . $date . "
$email_info .= "Message
$email_info .= "-----------------------------------------
$email_info .= "" . $message . "
$mailheaders = "From: webmaster@yourdomain.com <>
$mailheaders .= "Reply-To: " . $email . "
mail($recipients, $subject, $email_info, $mailheaders);
any ideas why it would run and return the “email sent” trace locally, but not on the server??? i’ve been up all night trying to figure this out.