Does anyone know how to make email lists? I want to use one using my server, but I can’t really do it through the administration panel… is there a way to set up email forwards on the server? Can you use these with more than one email address? I remember I did this like a year ago, but I’m not sure how.
like a mailing list where you can mass mail people?
I just wrote a php application to store addresses to a database and then I can send out to whoever I want after inputing data in a form…
Yeah, i thought about doing that… I’d rather have the email list, so I could just set up a forwarder - it’s easier for people to do than to just go to a page online… I think. If I have to write a php script, I’ll do it, but I rather not.
i’m sure there’s another way, but I don’t know of it. Its easier for me to write the script. lol
Well, the thing is that I’m not the only one who’s going to be sending emails… so I need to figure that out.