Emailing a form with php

I am very new with php and having some problems running this email script. im creating a flash form which gets emailed. can anyone tell me, how can i send this email with all these fields. the action script code is below:

on (release)

import mx.controls.Alert;
myClickHandler = function (evt){
if (evt.detail == Alert.OK){

}“Thank you very much. Your message has been sent.”, “Reservation Alert”, Alert.OK);

if (pickDateText != undefined && pickTimeText != undefined && dropDateText != undefined && dropTimeText != undefined && vehicleTypeText != undefined && pickLocationText != undefined && dropLocationText != undefined) {

loadVariablesNum (“reservation.php”, 0, “POST”);


Here is the php script as well. I think, there is something wrong with the php script. Please check whats wrong.


$to = [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR];
$msg = "Name: $_POST[pickDateText]

$msg .= "Pick Date: $_POST[pickDateText]

$msg .= "Pick Time: $_POST[pickTimeText]

$msg .= "Drop Date: $_POST[dropDateText]

$msg .= "Drop Time: $_POST[dropTimeText]

$msg .= "Vehicle Type: $_POST[vehicleTypeText]

$msg .= "Pick Up Location: $_POST[$pickLocationText]

$msg .= "Drop Location: $_POST[dropLocationText]


mail($to, $pickDateText,$pickTimeText,$dropDateText,$dropTim eText,$vehicleTypeText,$pickLocationText,$dropLoca tionText, "From: Titans Reservation
Reply-To: $email

