Embarassing dumb question

:cyclops: I am new to swift 3d, i just got today, and i plan on using it for school projects… i’ve been following the tutorials and stuff, and here’s my problem. After i can’t open the animation after i save it, or export it (as the tutorial says), it says i don’t have the software that is needed to open the file…i’m thinking of getting the multimedia flash, but i’m not sure it’s the right one.

Like my nicname says, i’m new @ this, what is the program i need to use to view my exported animations?

and, can i make GIF’s with swift3d?

In advanced…

yes you can if you are using v3 click the export tab then select raster from the top left. You should see a output type drop down choose your file format there. I would use jpg. You can also set the quality and antialias. If you use vector you will have to have a vector app to open then such as flash or firework…Or you can choose .eps which some photo editors do open. The SWFT format is native to flash mx I do not think it works with Flash 5.

swft files are new to flash and are desinged to work only with flash mx. (swft…swish…get it)

Guess the reached a deal or something…