Greetings to everyone in kirupaville.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but alas it’s been about that long since I’ve had the time to have a little fun with Flash.
Anyway, I’ve started a small project and everything seemed to be going well until I started turning on some actionscript. I know I’m rusty, but I didn’t realize I was this rusty… but here’s the issue.
I can’t get a simple gotoAndPlay action working! Duh!
The main movie has two layers and one frame. Layer 1 is the actions layer and layer 2 has a movie clip named “doohickey”.
Doohickey has three layers and 16 frames. First frame is blank with a stop action. Second frame is labelled “fadeIn” and begins a tween. The next 15 frames are a simple tween (no AS). Frame 16 is blank with a stop action. Layer 1 is actions. Layer 2 is labels and Layer 3 is the tween.
The actions layer in the main movie:
The tween will not fire! The only way it’s working is if I put a play action on the second frame in the doohickey movie clip.
For the love of God, what am I doing wrong? You would not believe how long I’ve been trying to figure this out today…