Embed Images into Flash via XML HELP!

Hi, I’m hoping someone can help me with this!!

I’m working on a flash menu which has dropdowns. What I need to do is assign a different image to each dropdown so that when the user clicks on any of the menu titles a new image shows up below the menu.

I have an xml file for the dropdown menu, but isn’t there a way I can just add an image code within these or do I have to change the flash file aswell?

Here’s the code I have in the xml file:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<menu Name=“Why Ace”>
<item Name=“About Ace?” Action =“getURL” Target=“about.html”></item>
<item Name=“Why Ace?” Action =“getURL” Target=“why.html”></item>
<item Name=“July Offer” Action =“getURL” Target=“offer.html”></item>
<item Name=“Upcoming Events” Action =“getURL” Target=“events.html”></item>

Here’s the code in the flash file:

menuSpace = 0;
bttnSpace = 0;
tween = 5;
tweenAlpha = 3;
maxHeight = 10;
fullscreen_mcY = fullscreen_mc._y;
_global.itemPress = function(obj) {
if (obj.Action == “getURL”) {
getURL(obj.Target, “”);
} else if (obj.Action == “movieClip”) {
buildGallery = function () {
total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
categoryName* = xmlNode.childNodes*.attributes.Name;
subNum* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes.length;
menu_all.menu_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“menu_mc”+i, i);
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i]._x = (menu_all.menu_mc._width+menuSpace)i;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].categoryName.text = categoryName
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].ID = i;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].num.text = subNum*;
for (j=0; j<subNum*; ++j) {
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc.bttn_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“bttn_mc”+j, j);
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc._alpha = 0;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc[“bttn_mc”+j].ID = j;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc[“bttn_mc”+j]._y = (menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc.bttn_mc._height+bttnSpace)j;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc[“bttn_mc”+j].item_name_mc.item_name.text = xmlNode.childNodes
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc[“bttn_mc”+j].Action = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[j].attributes.Action;
menu_all[“menu_mc”+i].item_mc[“bttn_mc”+j].Target = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[j].attributes.Target;
menu_all._x = -(Stage.width-stageW)/2+(Stage.width-menu_all._width)/2;
menu_all.divider_mc._visible = true;
loadXML = function (loaded) {
if (loaded) {
toLoad = “holder”;
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
categoryName = [];
subNum = [];
} else {
trace(“Error loading XML”);
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;

Any help would be appreciated. I just need to add an image which will be displayed below each dropdown menu.
