Embedded font problem

well i have a dynamically loaded html enabled text field… but when i used embedded fonts from the swf… it doesnt show some of the text… but when i used device fonts… ( from the system ) it works fine… why is that/??? cant i use embedded fonts? with a text field with contents that are html and loaded dynamically from a text file???

please help

LOL… well well well… someone with the same problem I had a while ago, it drove me nuts.

What you need to do is this… Create 3 dynamic texfields outside the stage area of your movie.

Type text in each textbox using the font you will be using in the html enabled textfield.

Set 1 to normal, 1 to bold, and 1 to italics.

Embed the font outlines for each textbox.

It should work now.

wow that seems convaluted and unnecessary! I wish they’d fix
that for you.

Yeah it is a pain, and a bug that has been reported to them plenty of times. I hope they fix it as well.

also, it annoys me when flash thinks you changed something by merely clicking on the stage, even on a new document. they should fix that too.

for the same text box… im trying to put a scroll bar component … but the scroll bar isnt working :frowning: know any reason why it aint working?