I have this bizarre embedded font issue I can’t figure out.
I’ve run a size report on my movie, and apparently there is an embedded font that’s taking up 7 megs of space. My .fla isn’t even 4 megs. Prior to it mysteriously sneaking into my movie, the .swf published at 400k. Now it’s almost 8 megs. I’ve searched my movie for hours checking each textfield, but even when I choose “Don’t Embed” on all of my fields, the gigantic font is still somewhere in my movie.
It seems to be that this embedded font includes every character (mostly asian characters)… Am I missing something somewhere??
My movie loads 2 external movies, but they shouldn’t have any bearing on the main movie’s filesize, right?
I can’t attach the movie b/c it exceeds the max size for this site, so I linked the .fla here: