Embedding font in externally loaded HTML text

I’m back with some more font embedding fun yeah!!

So, I have some HTML text loaded from a text file into a dynamic text field and I’m using an embedded font to display that text.

What I would like is to get that embedded font to show the italic tagg or underline, etc… the manual say they are supported and they do work when I don’t embed a font but use a standard “arial” or whatever… When I use the embedded font, the HTML tags don’t work anymore, besides the one to make links… I can understand why the italic or bold don’t work since I did not embed those ones and I don’t see how I could assign 3 fonts to the same text field anyway… But I thought the color or underligned would work…
Anyway, when I embed the fonts, I get all kind of strange buggy behaviors (like, sometimes the text doesn’t wrap inside the text field box even though it’s specified in the actionscript style defnition, but sometimes it does…) and I’m sick of dealing with this so I had an idea… And that’s the question in case you’re wondering… :wink:
Is there a way to embed fonts, not within flash, but within the HTML text itself? I mean, is there a technology that allows HTML document to display fonts that are on the server’s computer instead of the computer viewing the page? So I could bypass Flash embedding the font for the HTML alltogether…
I know it’s not %100 ActionScript question but it is closely related (in my world at least…) and if there’s someone out there that has an answer for me, it’s the kirupa gurus…

er… is HTML rendering eableed?

I’m sorry but… what?

myTextField.html = 1; // or true
myTextField.htmlText = "<b>mr.x</b>";

yeah, I did that.
As I mentionned in the first post, it works fine when I don’t embed the font. And the Links still works when I embed it. The problem is related to the font, not the loaded text