when i embedd fonts then they dont appear as sharp and nice as before any idea why is that?
when i embedd fonts then they dont appear as sharp and nice as before any idea why is that?
The font coordinates are not on whole numbers, you are using anti-alias for animation, or are comparing natively anti-aliased device fonts to anitaliased embedded fonts.
So what can I do to make them look crisp as before while I am embedding at the same time?
Make sure your text field’s x & y values are on whole numbers (type cast them to int if you’re unsure). Maybe also look at the gridFitType and [URL=“http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/text/TextField.html#sharpness”]sharpness properties of your text field.
It’s hard to tell without seeing the files, but I suspect that the difference you’re noticing is the anti-aliasing kicking in now that the fonts are available. If you like the extra-crisp look of aliased fonts, make sure the font is set to Bitmap Text (No Anti-Alias).
Thanks for your replies.
Groady I tried sharpness it does make a difference but not much.
Anogar when I changed it to bitmap text it stopped appearing on stage.
Is there any option for setting AntiAlias for readability?
If you are creating textFields from scratch, make sure you set the embedded fonts property to true, and then you can turn on the testFields anti aliasing property. Which will let you get aliasing looking like how it does in the ide.
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