Embedding question flash 8 dreamweaver

I am lost with my uploading. I read many things around but all differents. may’be sbdy can enlight me ?
My site is all in flash 8. I just have a html page with my logo and description of the company. From there there is a ENTER and the viewer is supposed to open my home page which is a flash file. Home page has a menu which leads to the rest of my swfs.
Several questions :
1/ How do I configurate my html page to give the ENTER the path to the home page ? Do I link it to the swf via the hyperlink command ?
2/ The home page swf needs to be converted to a HTML file ? or can I just link to the swf file ?
3/ Do I need to convert all my swf to HTML ?
4/ Do I need to create a blank HTML page for each swf ?
5/ Do I need to upload all swfs or sfs HTML to my server ?

Many many questions…as you see I am totally lost.
Thanks so much, I feel a bit stupid and stressed with this.