
I’m sure its been asked a thousand times before, but here we go just for old times sake!

Emmbedding fonts…can someone give me the long and short of it please.

The hows and whys…

thanks in advance


lol :stuck_out_tongue: that’s correct
asked a thousand times before


have a nice reading :wink:

let me see…I’m nearly there I think…

So I’ve got the font I want to use…I highlight it and I set it to dynamic text, click format and hey presto the fonts embedded?

Is that all I have to do?

…or do I have to set all the text I use in the site to dynamic or can the remaining text remain as static text throughout the site??

questions question question…


you press character … not format :crazy:

then select the characters you’d need to embed

and yes … you can leave them as static text