embedFonts - can't make it happen

I’ve been working on this all day - I am trying to embed a font into a text field and can’t seem to find ANY documentation for AS3 on it…big suprise…


so far I have added the font to my library, set the linkage for actionscript, gave my textField the instance name “my_txt” and added this code to the timeline:

var font_Style:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
font_Style.font = “Font1”;
my_txt.embedFonts = true;
my_txt.htmlText = “some testing text”;

This doesn’t work. But it’s all I know how to do.

(when I erase the 3rd line “my_txt.embedFonts = true” it will display the text but not with the text embedded).

Has anyone got this working for AS3 yet?

Thanks for any help at all.