Enable/disable buttons

First post! Well Ive been meaning to post but I usually browse around first and try to get info but this problem I give up. I went throught this forum over and over and other forums as well, I found other post that matches the criteria but I was unable to use the scripts to implement to mine. Im fairly new to FlashMX04 and AS2, Ive been messing with flash for awhile with only basic scripting knowledge. I know this is simlpe to you guys out there. I have four mc as buttons on the main stage with a rollover (highlight) effect that triggers a external swf to load on a container on release. What I need is after the preload stage, clip1(mc button) automatically goes in the highlight stage and gets disabled, so it wont reload the swf if clicked again, till another button gets pressed, and disable and so fort. Please can anyone show me or give me an advice on how to do this, you can check out the “swf” here and the “fla” files are [url=“http://www.cal.avidao.com/test/”]here. Thanks in advance…
