Enemy help?

I have made this game which is like stick defense. I have made 2 enemies and can get one enemy to come on the screen but cant seem to get the other one to. I cant attach the file as it is too big but here is the code I used. thanks

I am new to flash and dont know much and the code I have given wasnt written by me.

_root.onLoad = function() {
//starting a timer to make spawn frequently
_root.archerstartTime = getTimer();
//this is just a var to set the names and depths
_root.archerenemyCounter = 0;
//creating a delay for the enemy spawn
_root.archerdifficulty = 2000;
//loading the cursor in a higher depth than the enemies
_root.attachMovie(“cursor”, “cursor”, 1000);
_root.cursor._yscale=70 //starting a timer to make spawn frequently
_root.swordstartTime = getTimer();
//this is just a var to set the names and depths
_root.swordenemyCounter = 0;
//creating a delay for the enemy spawn
_root.sworddifficulty = 2000;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
//this is other var to see the current time
_root.swordcurrentTime = getTimer();
//for each delay time a new enemy is spawned
if (_root.swordcurrentTime-_root.swordstartTime>=_root.sworddifficulty) {
//setting the enemy number
//putting the enemy on stage
_root.swordcurrentEnemy = _root.attachMovie(“swordenemy”, “swordenemy”+_root.swordenemyCounter, 500+_root.swordenemyCounter);
//putting the enemy in the right place of the stage!
_root.swordcurrentEnemy._y = random(150)+150;
_root.swordcurrentEnemy._x = -100;
//I think they are too big… resizing
_root.swordcurrentEnemy._xscale = 17;
_root.swordcurrentEnemy._yscale = 17;
//this line says: “-come back in one second”
_root.swordstartTime = _root.swordcurrentTime;
//setting max dificulty(spawning frequency)

//for each 30 seconds we will clear our index
if (_root.swordcurrentTime-_root.swordstartTime>=30000) {
//this will make names repeat
_root.swordenemyCounter = 0;
//this is other var to see the current time
_root.archercurrentTime = getTimer();

//for each delay time a new enemy is spawned
if (_root.archercurrentTime-_root.archerstartTime>=_root.archerdifficulty) {
//setting the enemy number
//putting the enemy on stage
_root.archercurrentEnemy = _root.attachMovie(“archerenemy”, “archerenemy”+_root.archerenemyCounter, 500+_root.archerenemyCounter);
//putting the enemy in the right place of the stage!
_root.archercurrentEnemy._y = random(150)+150;
_root.archercurrentEnemy._x = -100;
//I think they are too big… resizing
_root.archercurrentEnemy._xscale = 17;
_root.archercurrentEnemy._yscale = 17;
//this line says: “-come back in one second”
_root.archerstartTime = _root.archercurrentTime;
//setting max dificulty(spawning frequency)

//for each 30 seconds we will clear our index
if (_root.archercurrentTime-_root.archerstartTime>=30000) {
//this will make names repeat
_root.archerenemyCounter = 0;