Equillibrium points "?"

i cant seem to get this tutorial to work [color=#800080]kirupa.com - Creating Equilibrium Points[/color]
i don’t know if its just me but doesn’t it need more explanation? and if anyone could make an .swf of a working one for me that would be much apreciated.

i followed it and it works fine for me! :stuck_out_tongue:
just do as it says, create the balls, add the code to them, create the square, add the code to it. the rest is basically explaining how to get a middle value… wassa matter, dint u listen in maths?? :wink:

fla attached


thx i see what i did wrong i was trying use the points for my “secret project” and i messed up typing the code out thx for the .fla

lol k then…


wait… ill send to email mine is too large

