I am making a random Number generator and it is saying I have this error:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at Randomnumbergenerator_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
Here is my script:
/*add code to make the random number holder stop on its empty frame
In AS3 this must be done on the main timeline
Use the crosshairs (insert a target path) to help do this
var randomNumber:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+ 1;
//return randomNumber;
trace (randomNumber);
//make the movie clip go to the frame that matches the number
// add an if statement to trace whether number is odd.
if ((randomNumber==2) || (randomNumber==4) || (randomNumber==6)|| (randomNumber==8) || (randomNumber==10))
{trace("This number is even");
this.message1.text="This number is even";
{trace ("This number is odd" )
this.message1.text="This number is odd"
Help please!:chinaman: