Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:

I bought the flash banner fx dock here this site: flash xml . net

My URL xn - 4dba9ab . com

IE browser when I enter I get this error:
Or see the banner

Error # 2044: Unhandled securityError:. text = Error # 2048: Security sandbox violation: http : / / אלאל . com / wp-content / flashxml / dock-gallery-fx / DockGalleryFX.swf cannot load data from http : / / x n - - 4dba9ab . com/wp- content / flashxml / dock-gallery-fx / settings.xml? uid = 1292260830666.
at net.flashXML.utils:: XMLLoader / load ()
at net.flashXML:: FXComponent / loadSettings ()
at net.flashXML:: FXComponent / startLoading ()
at Function / http: / / apply ()
at SetIntervalTimer / onTimer ()
at flash.utils:: Timer / _timerDispatch ()
at flash.utils:: Timer / tick ()

Firefox everything works fine.

I’m at a loss: (I do not know already what to do please need help

I do not understand the construction sites as an apprentice so I would love to do a detailed answer